My story is not unique, it isn’t flashy, it’s not something that I had imagined my life would look like.

In 2003, at the age of 32, I was blessed with the biggest inspiration of my life, my daughter Emily. As most mothers will attest, she is the greatest joy I will ever know. I was scared and excited to be a mom. I felt the weight of responsibility to help her grow into an amazing woman. I loved her so much.

But the problem was, I didn’t love myself. For years, I had battled my weight. I was put in weight watchers in 8th grade, I had been up and down on the scale for as long as I could remember - sometimes winning and sometimes losing. I have LITERALLY tried all the diets! I had always attached my worth to my weight.

And then, here I was, in late 2004, weighing in at nearly 260 pounds. Unfit and unhappy. I was not the example I needed to be for Emily and I needed a change. I knew I couldn’t do what I had done in the past to lose weight. I had to be sensible and teach myself so I could teach my daughter.

So, I made a DECISION. One DECISION to change. My first step was on NEW YEAR’S DAY 2005. I went to a step aerobics class at the local park district. I was TERRIFIED. I didn’t want anyone to pay attention to me and I was embarrassed to be the biggest and most unhealthy one in the room.

I fumbled through the class and was approached by the trainer after - and she encouraged me, motivated me, inspired me, made me feel WORTHY of being healthy and happy.

It took 4 years for me to lose the weight and get in shape this time. What I learned was that it didn’t need to be fast, it needed to be sustainable. It wasn’t easy but it was simple. It wasn’t always intense, but it was always consistent. I didn’t have to always believe in myself, because I had a coach to believe in me when I didn’t.

What I learned was that I wanted to motivate, inspire and teach others what I had learned. I found a passion I couldn’t contain.

In 2009 I walked away from Accounting. I started a health & wellness business in my basement. I taught fitness anywhere people would have me. in 2010 I opened my first Fitness studio and business. That business grew to more and I was impacting lives daily. I have trained moms, dads, families, young, old, fit and unfit. I have trained Olympic athletes and disabled people. I have trained Collegiate Athletic Teams and I have trained Girl Scout Troupes. I have taught classes in churches, schools, parks, elite gyms and everywhere in between. I have taught class sizes of 500 and class sizes of 1.

This IS my passion. This IS my purpose. This is EXACTLY what I was put on this earth to do. I share it because I was once the person too scared to ask for help. I was the person who NEEDED someone like who I am now. I don’t care if I change one life or thousands, I can’t stop because I know when I walk out my door every morning, I have a gift to give, a purpose to share.



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