A million reasons not to work out

“I’ve got a million reasons not to workout and one reason why I should”

I have an early morning friend/client I’ve been training for almost 3 years…I go to her house or zoom workout with her 5x a week and we joke that we wake up every morning together

She’s made big changes over the years but I think the biggest change she’s had is her mindset. She’s been letting me in on some of her self talk and perspectives and I thought I’d share with you because I truly believe we all talk to ourselves like this at one time or another.

She often says that when her alarm goes off in the morning…she thinks of a million reasons why she shouldn’t get up…

~She’s got a busy day at work

~She was up late running kids or helping with homework

~She’s got a ton of laundry to do

~She hasn’t been eating good lately so really….what’s the point

~Maybe today she’ll just sleep in and workout later in the day

~ the results she’s getting aren’t fast enough or immediate

And…then…she said she realizes there’s only ONE reason she should get up and workout…that one reason is because she’s worth it…her health is worth it and everything in her life improves when she feels good.

I think we all have a million reasons not to exercise…..time, money, an all or nothing attitude towards your health.

The truth is, the small things you do daily matter. You have to get past the all or nothing approach and you have to put your health first. That’s how it has to work. I’ve never seen sustainable results that didn’t have that formula.

Running through the reasons why you shouldn’t is fine as long as the ultimate outcome is that you DO IT.

Consistency is the special sauce. It’s the magic trick everyone is looking for. Pick a few small things you can do daily to improve your health, stick with them and then let me know how things are going for you next year on January 18th

I love hearing my clients’ perspectives and I’m so thankful for their trust.

In the end, we are all just regular people striving for a good quality of life…and good health starts with our mindset.

Xoxo, Angie