10 Hard Truths & a Lie

“10 hard truths and a lie”

1 ~ True change begins in your mind. You need to decide that being healthy is the most important priority in your life…more important that every single thing in your life

2 ~ Fad diets are not sustainable. Extreme dieting or eating is not a way of life. One big red flag is when you are on a diet that doesn’t allow you to exercise. If what you are doing now is not something you can do 80% of the time FOREVER then it’s not sustainable

3 ~ Your muscle drives your metabolism. Eat & exercise to sustain & grow that muscle. I like to say…the more muscle you have, the more you can eat

4 ~ The diet industry is trying to confuse you because they make more money if you are overweight and confused. The pharmaceutical companies make more money if you are sick

5 ~ You are literally the ONLY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH …that’s is all caps and I’m shouting…the sooner you take responsibility for your health, the sooner things can get better

6 ~ Your views on dieting, body image and your food relationships will be passed down to your kids. I know we don’t need more stuff to feel guilty about but passing down unhealthy views on food or body image is not serving the next generation

7 ~ Long term weight loss comes from a lifestyle change and takes time. It can take a long time and it’s worth it

8 ~ Small changes create huge momentum over time. Everything doesn’t have to change at once. Start small & get the ball rolling

9 ~ Exercise is vital for your health but it won’t, by itself, result in weight loss. This is why I went back to get my nutrition certification….because teaching people to exercise wasn’t enough….true change happens when you combine both nutrition & fitness

10~ There are no good or bad foods…but there are ‘all the time’ and ‘once in a while’ foods. You will eat a cookie again….maybe just not every day

*Here’s the one lie*

“I’ve tried it all and nothing works”. Until you change your paradigm, you change your relationship with food and create a healthy body image nothing will ‘work’. But once you decide that food isn’t the enemy and exercise is a celebration of your strength…things will change and you can focus on healthy habits that sustain a high quality of life.

If your goal is to look like a supermodel, have zero cellulite or lose 10lbs of fat in a week……you are quite possibly on an eternal cycle of up & down weight and your expectations are unrealistic…which always results in failure.

It’s time to make those changes and feel better…long term ….for a higher quality of life.

Xoxo, Angie