It is time to feel good again.....

It’s time to feel good again. Stop measuring your worth by the scale.

Losing weight isn’t a’s a result...

A result of deciding to treat your body like the amazing machine it is.

A result of deciding you are worth putting nutritious food in your body.

A results of recognizing your health choices affect every single person you love.

A result of deciding that $120 a month on fitness is as important as $120 a month on your nails.

A result of a DECISION.

A decision to be more, do more, love yourself more.

If you aren’t happy where you are with your health or are not helpless. There is hope.

But no one can help you until you decide you are worth it.

I know you are worth it. It’s time you decide you are too.

Just remember...The scale doesn’t own you. You won’t be a better person, mom or wife if you weigh less, but you might be better if you feel good.

Improvement starts from within and making the decision to feel better.

I’d love to help you:)….just ask.

Xoxo, Angie