I weighed myself today.......

I weighed myself this morning and it was 10 lbs more than I’d like it to be…and 10 lbs more than it used to be..

And I’m not even mad about it

Why? Because I’ve got a plan, I’ve got support & I’ve got all the tools I need to put the brakes on and turn this around.

Obviously nights of wine and charcuterie catch up…I knew it would and I made those choices.

And now I’m going to make other choices and get back on track.

Will I have wine & charcuterie again…you betcha (Wisconsin ppl say ‘you betcha )….but I won’t have it for a little while.

I’m ready to feel good again and feed my body what it needs to feel good…out with the inflammatory foods and in with the good stuff.

That number on the scale is what it is and it does not define me…but it is a reflection of the choices I’ve been making. I own every single choice I make.

And it’s ok. Because I’m ready and excited for January and feeling better.

I don’t know about you but I am REALLY feeling !

I’d love for you to join me….I just got done with a nutrition consult with a friend who is doing this with me and im super excited for her too!

Decision, Plan, Action.

I’ve got a plan & tools to help you too

Xoxo, Angie