What you need to know

The diet industry isn’t going to tell you that a sustainable lifestyle change is going to take a while or that you HAVE to adjust your nutrition or that you HAVE to find a way to be active.

The diet industry isn’t telling you that it’s not complicated but it also isn’t easy.

The diet industry isn’t telling you that you will need to adjust your priorities and say no to some things for a while.

They don’t tell you this because those things don’t sell. It’s not sexy to say “this could take a year or more”. It’s not sexy to say that you can’t make unhealthy food choices ALL the time and still be healthy.

When I finally “figured it out” I decided to be that person that tells you the truth, the person that encourages and educates and believes in you until you believe in you.

I realized that the machine that is the diet industry is selling fast, easy & sexy and that’s just making America depressed, overweight and confused.

Everyone is different, every body is different and I don’t know how long it will take for you. My goal is to help you learn your body & its needs and guide you on a path that is sustainable.

Of course I know what to tell you to do to so you would lose 10lbs by next Friday, but I don’t believe in fast ….I believe in forever.

Just know that….just like everything in life….if it seems too good to be true…it probably is.

Also, a week, a month or a year from now I bet you will wish that you just got started today.

XOXO, Angie