
Has nothing to do with losing weight

Has nothing to do with burning calories

Has nothing to do with the food you ate today or yesterday or will eat tomorrow

Has nothing to do with getting a six pack or a “toned” body


Has everything you to do with your mental wellness

Has everything to do with keeping your bones, joints & muscles strong

Has everything to do with your happiness

Has everything to do with being grateful for your body

Has everything to with celebrating your strength and health and wellness

You have to separate exercise from nutrition. You can’t exercise because you want to eat more or because you ate “bad”. You can’t punish yourself for what you ate by exercising more.

Once you start exercising for the right reasons…you become free.

Free to love your body

Free to move your body

Free to celebrate your body

I wish that everyone could enjoy that freedom. Exercise because you GET TO not because you HAVE TO. Celebrate every movement you are ABLE to do and don’t worry about the movements you can’t.

Enjoy your body and free yourself from the diet culture calorie burning trap we have all been in at some point in our lives

Our bodies were MADE TO MOVE…so do what you can and enjoy it.

Oh….and be consistent

XOXO, Angie