Post Thanksgiving Scale Self Talk....

The Monday after Thanksgiving…and…I’m debating on whether I should step on the scale today.

Questions I’m asking

will that number on the scale make me feel good or bad about myself

does my worth as a coach, mom, wife, daughter, person depend on that number

if it says higher than what I want will I say “screw it” and go crazy the rest of the day, month or year with my eating?

if it says lower than what I want will I say “screw it” since I spent 4 days over the holiday indulging and didn’t gain anything?


If I get on the scale and don’t love the number (which I never do)…am I WILLING to make changes today to change that number. Am I willing to adjust my nutrition to get different results. The answer…right now…In December….is NO I’m not changing my nutrition. I’m not going crazy but I’m not going to reign it in anymore….I’ve got a wine advent calendar to drink and dry January/February and a New Years cleanse planned.

So…..I’m not getting on the scale. Because, for me, it won’t help or change anything. It’ll probably just make me feel like crap. I’ve got a plan in place for next month and this month I’ll indulge if I want to on the weekends and maybe a little during the week (I told you about the wine advent calendar right?)

Thanks for participating in my scale self talk:)

Xoxo, Angie