Doing it anyway....

Doing it anyway….

Today I didn’t want to work out. I mean I was looking for so many excuses of why I couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t.

I just reminded myself of one word:


It’s really the most important part of a healthy lifestyle.

I just had to remember that for overall health & wellness, sometimes, when you don’t want to do it, do it anyway.

XOXO, Angie

How to find peace

How to find peace

Everything isn’t for everyone.

Everyone isn’t going to understand you.


There IS something that is perfect for YOU.

There ARE people that will totally ‘get’ you.

Go find that thing.

Go find those people.

Leave the rest behind. They aren’t bad things and they aren’t bad people...they are just not for you. Simple. No hate. No regrets.

Do YOUR thing and be happy & proud doing it.

XOXO, Angie

Unpopular Opinions

I’ve got some (possibly) unpopular opinions about fitness, nutrition & health. Here we go:

#1 Do Cardio. What! That’s crazy! Nope, not crazy. It’s important. Cardio will not make you fat. Cardio is important for your fitness & health. Cardio matters. Your heart needs exercise and your cardiac muscle gets a workout whenever you bring your heart rate > 70% of your max hr (message me on how to calculate that…it’s easy and really important). Plus, cardio helps your lungs, mind & can help get you into a caloric deficit if that’s your goal (more on that in #6).

#2 Eat Carbs. Oh my God….not CARBS!! Yes, carbs. They should be 30- 60% of your nutrition depending on your body type and activities. They give you energy. Not all carbs are bad. Sure, cutting carbs will get you to drop some temporary lbs…but is that sustainable? Are you really never going to eat a piece of bread or a cookie again? Come on. Let’s be real here. Sustainable weight loss is a long game.

#3 Beginners: don’t overcomplicate things! Just move. Start out by moving every day. Do a few minutes more than the day before. Get your Heart Rate up and get moving. Once you’ve completed a consistent 2 weeks of exercise…then let’s move to the next step. You don’t need fancy equipment or a membership anywhere…you just have to start moving!

#4 Supplement your nutrition. I know it’s best to eat real & whole food to get your vitamins & minerals but….really…how many salads can you eat in a day! Every day! Who is actually going to do that? You need to fill in the nutritional gaps with quality supplements. Vitamins & minerals matter.

#5 Consistency is more important than intensity. Once you get into a routine then we can start talking about intensity & weight load, etc but get consistent first.

#6 Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Weight maintenance is a math equation. Calories in and calories out. The diet industry comes up with different and sexy ways of packaging this formula but at the end of the day it’s really a math equation. It takes time to figure your equation out but ultimately you’ll need to learn your balance.

#7 Get a coach if you are struggling with any of these. I mean, you hire people to do a lot of things for you (hair, manage your money, take care of your car, your pets, etc). Your health is worth an investment up front or you may end up paying for illness later. I know a good coach

#8 Screw the scale and the BMI charts. You don’t need to weigh what you did in high school or when you got married. Better things for you to measures required : your daily activity minutes, your waist size, your body fat percent, your resting heart rate. Can we stop focusing on how we LOOK and focus on how we treat our bodies?

#9 Have fun. You aren’t supposed to be miserable working out. You may be a little sore in the beginning but overall you should FEEL GOOD. You can still eat “fun foods”. You really have to find your formula and what works for you.

Life’s too short to feel like crap. How you treat your body and what you put into it will be reflected in your quality of life later.

Xoxo, Angie

Put yourself first

Do you ever notice that when life gets hectic you start to push yourself toward the back of the list?

Maybe you have a big “to do” list, work is busy, the kids need extra running or you are just emotionally spent?

These are the times when you need YOU the most! It’s at the chaotic times when your body needs you to treat it well. Extra sugar, lack of exercise, no sleep, etc will just create internal stress and compound the external stress.

It’s seems crazy to stop and take 20 minutes to work out or to skip the comfort cookie or glass of wine at night but I promise you’ll be able to deal with everything better if you are doing something for you!

Go for that walk, drink extra water, put something healthy in your body and then get back at it. You and everyone that relies on you will be better off if you feel good.

Xoxo, Angie

Real Talk

I was talking on the phone to a new client last night….we’ve never met but she has a friend who I work with and her friend’s progress inspired her to reach out to me.

These are some of the things I said to this potential new client that are real talk about a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle change that might help you too:

~ this isn’t a diet. All diets work…until they stop working.

~ it’s not fast or sexy. I have no idea how long it will take but I know it’s more than a month and it’s a lifestyle…..But I don’t force anyone into a contract because if it’s working for you then you’ll stick with me..if not, that’s ok…you can move on

~ I’m going to teach you how to eat for your body and your goals but I don’t want you to have to count calories, macros or points forever. I want to teach you what’s what on your plate and know how its going to affect you and how you feel

~ I’m not programming crazy workouts that will injure you..if you can’t squat because of your knees, no problem….there are many other things you can do to get fit

~ I don’t train bikini or supermodels….I train real people. If you have an unrealistic idea of what your body should look like I’m going to tell you it’s not realistic. Sorry, but I believe everyone is beautiful with the body they were given when it’s healthy.

~I want to improve your quality of life…. I want you to enjoy your life. Sooo that has nothing to do with the weight you weighed before your first baby. We need to get to a realistic weight for you that is….you guessed it…sustainable

~ the reason you reached out in the first place has to come with a burning desire to commit and stay the course. Your unhealthy obsession with food and/or exercise will not drive you to long term wellness. It’s time to change your paradigm on what healthy is

~ I know what it’s like to have your knees hurt with each step, to struggle to get up off the ground, to shop for new clothes because your old ones don’t fit. I am in this business because I needed someone like me when I was unhealthy

~ if you’ve lost weight & gained it back before (or 10 times before) it doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy, it’s probably just a matter of finding a REAL PURPOSE and figuring out what will work for you. Every person that is successful in anything always gave it “one more shot”

~ The relationship I form with my clients is PERSONAL…get ready to spill it all to me and trust me in the process

~ finally…. it’s time to get excited because feeling happy & healthy is exciting. Eating well & exercising is fun.

When I got off the phone my husband was like “wow you really lay it out there don’t you”. Yes, because if someone is brave enough to make the first step and call me I owe it to them to tell it like it is and how its going to be.

Maybe that helped some of you get ready to turn things around too. It’s never too late to give it one more shot…

Xoxo, Angie

Your Mind, Your Choice

Society gets blamed a lot for the way women see themselves…and much of it is true.

However, the biggest voice in your head is you own.

You have a constant soundtrack running through your head…your own voice, your own thoughts & your own beliefs on the way you look and how you view your body.

What are you saying….TO YOURSELF?

What thoughts are driving your workouts and your food choices or your actions in your everyday life?

You need to be aware of what you are saying to yourself. You need to be aware of how you perceive YOURSELF. Your thoughts and perceptions project outward and will affect everything you do and how everyone treats and views you.

So much pressure right?

It’s hard to break the cycle & you aren’t expected to be perfect.

You can start by simply believing you are good enough & worth it.

Odds are you’ll look back at this moment in 10 years and think “wow why didn’t I appreciate myself”.

Switch your paradigm on exercising & nutrition. Don’t exercise to look better but instead to FEEL better. If you workout to LOOK GOOD…you’ll never be satisfied…what’s the end game on trying to exercise to have the “perfect” body (hint it’s unhappiness).

Today, change any negative thoughts to positive ones. Say things to yourself that you say to your friends. Be your own cheerleader.

I see it as two choices: start loving yourself and be happier OR say mean things to yourself and be unhappy.

Literally…your choice. Your mind. Your body.

Xoxo, Angie

Your Body is a Machine


you can pretend it doesn’t matter how you treat your body…but we all know that it does matter

Your body, your machine. How you fuel it, how you maintain it, how hard you run it…it’s the most amazing machine you’ll ever own!

I’ve always believed this and it’s a big reason why I’m so adamant about being active and encourage others to be active as well.

There was a classic car show in my neighborhood last weekend. It got me thinking about what those cars would look like if they hadn’t been well maintained & fueled. Would they even still be running? probably not.

I’m not going to be preachy about what you should do for exercise…do whatever makes you feel good!

I’m not saying don’t eat cheese and enjoy some wine…I mean that would be crazy…but you need to balance that with some non wine & cheese nights too

Your body is literally the most amazing piece of equipment in the universe. It houses your heart & soul until they don’t need it anymore.

Maintain that machine. Appreciate it. Move it. Fuel it. Love it.

I’m pretty happy with my 50 year old machine so far…I’m just hoping it takes me far to do all the things I still have left to do in this world.

What are you doing to maintain your machine today? Please share!

Xoxo, Angie

Today, I CAN


A while ago I changed my workout paradigm.

I stopped worrying about what I did or didn’t do yesterday, what I might or might not do tomorrow and started focusing on what I CAN do TODAY.

I am healthy TODAY.

I have time TODAY.

I am thankful for my strength TODAY.

I am enjoying my fitness TODAY.

I will move my body TODAY.

I am realistic enough to know that I can’t control tomorrow…I may not be physically, mentally or emotionally able to exercise tomorrow.

I know that I am not going to beat myself up for things in the past because nothing I did before TODAY matters.

I will workout TODAY and enjoy TODAY. I will not complete with my younger self and I won’t worry about my future self. I have gratitude for my current self.

It’s a simple mindset change that can completely transform how you view your workouts and your body.



Xoxo, Angie


How do you know when it's time to put the brakes on?

When you can't climb stairs without getting winded or your knees hurting.

When you go to bed tired and wake up tired...counting the hours til you can get back to bed.

When you avoid mirrors.

When you hate getting dressed in the morning because your clothes don't fit.

When you can't get in and out of your car easily.

When you, as a parent, have stopped enjoying your kids.

When you are so tired and feel so crappy you find yourself being someone you don't even recognize.

When you've stopped enjoying the past few hours/days/weeks/years we have been given on this earth because we've turned our amazing bodies into dungeons.

It's time to put on the the person you want your kids to be. Because you are their leader and their hope for the future.

XOXO, Angie

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

Let’s talk about Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

1) The scale will not tell you the whole story when it comes to Fat Loss! You can actually lose fat without losing weight on the scale.

2) Inches and pictures are a better measure for a reduction in body fat. You will often lose inches before you lose pounds. Also, take pictures throughout your journey. As you change your body composition (lose fat, gain muscle), you’ll SEE the changes in your body.

3) You need a caloric deficit. You need to burn more than you consume to lose fat. A balanced macronutrient (protein, fat, carbs) focus in your nutrition will help you find foods that help you feel full, build muscle, activate good nutrition…but whatever eating style you choose it will ultimately come down to CICO (calories in, calories out) if you want to get results in terms of fat loss.

4) Finding sources of lean protein can be challenging but it’s worth the effort. That particular macro will help you build muscle. Yes, you need carbs too…but most of my clients need more help increasing protein consumption vs carbohydrate consumption (ie carbs are easy to find & consume).

5) Sleep! It’s so important. It’s when your body recovers. Tracking your sleep (how much & what type of sleep) is a good first step. I’ll be posting about activity trackers next week to help with this.

6) Do you even lift Bro? Seriously you’ve got to Strength Train! It doesn’t have to be fancy and, for a lot of people, you can accomplish a lot with body weight training…did you know I love push-ups ? Start with your age every day in push-ups & sit ups. Double your age in body weight squats.

7) Get that cardio…if we are talking CICO….this could be the piece that tips the scales (pun intended) for you!

Hope this helps get you going in the right direction! Try not to over complicate it….most of us know what we need to do…now…just go do it




So many times we don’t try things because we are “too old”.

I can’t do that exercise, I’m too old.

I can’t go on a trip like that, I’m too old.

I’m too old to start a new career.

I’m too old to wear that outfit.

I’m too old to fall in love again or to fall back in love with my spouse.

I’m not 20 anymore so my body will just have to be like this.

I’m too old to do a headstand.


When you say you are too old what you are really saying is “I’ll never do that”. You won’t do it. Because you’ll be even older tomorrow!!! So you have basically given up on an opportunity that may bring you joy.

Just like we are working on cutting out the words “I’m fat”, let’s cut out the words “I’m old”.

I don’t know about you but I want to REDEFINE aging and do whatever I want for as long as I want. I am 50 years old and it’s just the life, my career, my fitness, everything.

Doing headstands, cartwheels and handstands all the way to the end!

Pay attention to what you say. And do whatever it is you want to do. this isn’t a practice life. Every. Breath. Matters.

You are never too old. For anything!

YOU define your age and what you are capable of.




Mamas….let me tell you a true story.

One minute you are losing your mind trying to figure out how to get your ‘little’ from school to volleyball practice, wondering if they even ate a vegetable this month and also if their winter coat from last year will fit….or if they will wear it



Just like that……

You are sitting outside the Biology building on your ‘little’s ‘college campus waiting for them to get done with kinesiology class…..

It truly feels like I snapped my fingers and here we are.

It happens so fast that you will only know when you know.

Every season of motherhood so far has been amazing, horrible, awesome, challenging and fulfilling in its own way and I wouldn’t change a thing….and I look forward to all of the future motherhood seasons with my ‘little’.

{PS even as an ‘adult’ parenting an ‘adult’, I’m still worried she won’t wear her winter coat this year} #momlife #alltheseasons #minime

XOXO, Angie